the best jalapeno recipes healthy

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6 large JALAPENO peppers
1 cup shredded CHEESE
4-5 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
about 1/4 cup CILANTRO (chopped)
1 tsp smoked PAPRIKA 
SALT and PEPPER to taste
(dill, cumin, cayenne, and cajun mix
 go well in poppers--experiment
 with your favorite seasonongs)


Set cream cheese out from fridge for at least 1/2 hour to allow time to soften.
Cut stems from peppers, but not enough to open the back of the pepper entirely, this shallow cut will leave enough of the top of the pepper in place to form a "wall" that will hold the cheese as it bakes.  With a spoon, scoop out the seeds and ribs; your jalepeno should look like a little rowboat (without oars or lifejacket).

In a bowl, throughly mix cream cheese, shredded cheese, cilantro, and seasonings together.
Spoon cheese mixture into pepper boats.  Fill each pepper entirely, but do not overfill--just to the top of each pepper--mounded cheese will only make a mess and disrupt the optimal cheese to pepper ratio.

In a skillet, on medium heat, melt 2-3 Tbsp butter.  Add garlic and stir 1 minute.  Turn off heat and add bread crumbs.  Stir until butter is absorbed and garlic is mixed well with bread crumbs.  Or, if  you don't want to fool with garlic cloves--just substitute garlic powder.
Press peppers cheese side down into the crumb mixture, then turn over and mound extra crumb topping on the peppers. 

Place peppers on a baking sheet and cook 20-25 minutes at 400 degrees F.
When the crumb topping is baked golden, remove and allow peppers to rest 5 minutes.
After that, you can do whatever your heart desires.

Taking up some jalapeno poppers you know what delicious little snack you know some you can sit in front of the TV with a beer and enjoy C-SPAN or an ice Ken Burns documentary you know something like that so get your Papa's you know we're going to do six poppers now we're going to do 6 jalapenos and turn them into 12 poppers first thing we're going to do is whack off the end the stem but not too deep you know you don't want to cut it too deep and I'll show you why I hear the second you'll be able to see

so slice I'm right down the middle and then we're going to dig out the rib and these thieves know the hottest part of the pepper you don't see how the back there is intact you know we want to make sure and not destroy that we don't want to rupture a little jalapeno boat this is like a boat is seaweed digging out me your inner there but we leaving the back so that it's like a little rowboat you know that's going to sell your cream cheese into you're going to stay o cream cheese into your belly on a jalapeno boat that's basically what we're doing to get you a little jalapeno boats out of the way and we'll go ahead with finely

chop up 45 cloves of garlic and then we'll shop a little bit of cilantro give it a little rough shop blend in with about a quarter cup in this is going to go in a cream cheese mixture which was going to throw together right now we got 8 oz of cream cheese that I've had it on the fridge for about a half-hour you know to let it get soft and then we're going to add one cup of shredded cheese throwing that cilantro that we just chopped up a little bit of salt smoked paprika and smoked paprika is fantastic and he's Papa's a little bit of onion powder and then a little bit of cracked black pepper and I'm just eyeballing me seasons and throw him in there you know there ain't no wrong amount

you know just season it to taste and then get it all folded together you know because I left at cream cheese out a little bit I'm able to do this you know you got to soften it up if I just pulled it out of the fridge I couldn't do that you don't have to have Arnold Schwarzenegger biceps to do that you know I'm not man enough to muscle cream cheese but since it's off now we can go ahead and we can stuff a little jalapeno halves with a cream cheese and you know you want to make sure and fill up that jalapeno you know make sure it's it's full from top to bottom with cream cheese but don't overfill it you don't need to make a big Mount amount on there cuz that's just going to Bubble Up it's going to mess up your jalapeno to cheese ratio so just flattened up on there and fill your pepper right to the top

and that'll be just enough already there you go that was a very rare jalapeno train shot you don't see a lot of those anymore but now that the excitement is over we'll get back to work or jalapeno popper Adventure we've got our cheese stuffed jalapenos without a garlic and now we're going to take one cup of breadcrumbs panko cuz once you go panko you never go back and then two tablespoons of butter and we're going to heat a skillet on medium heat we don't want to get it super duper hot you know we're not going to really be cooking anything here we just going to throw up butter in here and we're going to let that melt up and then we're going to add are garlic we just going to push this around here for a minute and what we're going to do is we're going to infuse the butter with this garlic flavor you know the guy likes going to soften up a little bit but we're not cooking anything we instantaneously going to turn the heat off and throws the bread crumbs in there and then we'll just switch that around and then that butter is going to be absorbed we're going to mix up that garlic in with these crumbs and that's going to make I stopping you know what a jalapeno poppers and now it's magic time you know now we're going to take are poppers we're going to pay

some face down no cheese side down into the bread crumbs give him a little shove you know so that some of the bread crumbs stick into the cheese been flipping back over and noun that topping on their you going to make it a little nice bread crumb Hill on top of your jalapeno popper you don't get them all all covered up like that on a flat pan do you know that you're ready to slide into the oven and that's it now your jalapeno boat ready to sail they're going to stay along off into the 400-degree sunset you know on the oven ocean and they're probably going to be gone for 20 to 25 minutes you know depending on your oven you know the keep an eye on them you know so that the bread crumbs don't Scorch or anything on top and then that's it now you owe you ready to go while you know slip on your seats you know crack crack open a beer or a Navy on no heavy on I don't know I don't know what expensive water

sounds like but anyway that you haven't jalapeno poppers baked little snacks thingamabobs you know the delicioso you know easy peasy lemon squeezy as I like to say so give him a try and let me know what you're saying and man hi guys I'm so pumped for this recipe because it is one of my favorite I would call it a guilty pleasure except you should never feel guilty about food especially when you eat it in moderation but these are jalapeno poppers which I know it's kind of like you probably wouldn't think it's one of my favorite appetizers but they really are and I've had a lot of people over the years request this recipe and it for some reason I just kind of always put it off till we eat these a lot when I have company over on the weekends in the fall and winter because you're a great game

time snack and I just think that this is so they're so good and the best part about them they're crispy we gooey and cheesy but they're not fried we are going to bake these the ovens ready so we can have baked these and then I'll be just as delicious I promise and I think you're going to absolutely love the movie love poppers your love these the ingredients for them or not anything shocking and you'll need some jalapenos of course which I've washed I've have lengthwise and I taken out all the ribs and see that I tried to keep the tops on them as many as are on them as much as I could with a couple of them broke off that's okay and it took off the roots and seeds cuz that's where the heat comes from I've got some Char extra-sharp cheddar and greeted I've got some cream cheese that's been softened to room temperature I have a little bit of flour with salt and pepper bread crumbs seasoned with salt pepper a couple of eggs with a little bit of milk and salt and pepper and here I thought Som paprika and granulated onion and garlic that is it I have my oven preheated to 405 a baking sheet I've lined with some aluminum foil and sprayed it well with some nonstick spray this is just an olive oil spray it really is just insanely easy to do is I'm going to get started right away the first thing to do with mixed together the flower with a salt and pepper you want to make sure because you're doing a breading station you want to make sure everything is well seasoned that way it's not like you're eating in the Slayer flowers unseasoned or the saw or the eggs are unseasoned you want everything to be seasoned well and I'm just going to be together my eggs milk salt pepper and I'm just going to mix together my seasoning now I don't have any salt in here and obviously you don't really need to add any salt because you've got so much sharp cheddar and that's really salty so I'm going to leave the salt out and now you want to make sure that you cream cheese is a room-temperature soften so that you can mix everything together well I'm just going to do that with my spatula and you could buy pre-shredded cheese if you wanted to make your life a little bit easier but I will tell you that it does not melt as nicely as it does when you shut yourself because when you buy pre shredded cheese is because you need them all to stay you know separated they make they toss in something and it makes it so that they don't melt as good as you stay should so I prefer to shred my own but hey the world is your pickle and if you feel like you want the extra help by having it done for you then by all means go ahead and do that I'm just going to make this a little bit more this is looking good enough now all I'm going to do I don't like over stuffing these but that's a personal personal preference I just like stuffing them so that I've got an even layer but overstuffing is just not my thing so I'm just going to do that that way I have them all done at the same time and then I'll get my hands dirty one time to bread that instead of like the way too many steps just kind of like turn yourself into a human conveyor belt now all you do is you dredge each one into your flowers that are your egg mixture will stick you flip it around if you need to or you can have I try to use the the little topper the is a handle and then you cut them really nicely in your bread crumbs and then you put these on your baking sheet that you sprayed well with some olive oil spray or vegetable spray or whatever you got and then you proceed with the rest of them wants to have them all Kota spray them well with some olive oil spray vegetable oil spray whatever your heart desires because that's important in order for these to get really crispy and it looks like it's a lot more than it really is and I have for you to 375 for around 25 minutes 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and crispy I'll show you what it looks like when they're there my poppers were in the oven for about 25 minutes I have left in school for about 15 minutes because they were so hot when they came out of the oven the cheese would like bubbling and you don't want to eat them right away because you will burn your mouth and they were just insanely hot but now I am ready to go beautiful they are if a little bit of the cheese feel that it's okay look at that gorgeous color I mean really I'm so excited my fingers got way too excited just how I like them
