Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Make Panko Fried Shrimp!!|Crispy Breaded Shrimps Recipe

How to Make Panko Fried Shrimp!!|Crispy Breaded Shrimps Recipe?Please Watch The Video Below

Today I'm going to show you how to make delicious crispy fried shrimp these delicate standard which give them a super Crispy Crunchy exterior they're super sweet on the inside and to boot they are super easy to make so without further Ado let me show you how to make them so obviously for this recipe you're going to need some shrimp so I'm just using standard frozen shrimp here this is 4160 sized which means that you get anywhere between 41 and 62 a pound but you want to find shrimp that is a Frozen and B that has been deveined with the shell on is perfectly fine and I'm going to give these a quick thaw basically what that means is enough to fill a large bowl with some cold water I'm going to put my shrimp balls in there and I'm going to let him sit in this cold water bath for about 10 minutes which is just enough time to get them thought out won't be enough time that your shrimpos get waterlogged so just let him sit here for about 10 minutes 

and while there's are soaking I'm going to go ahead and get my breading ingredients ready I'mma start off with the flower I've got a third of a cup of flour here I'm going to add in one teaspoon of seasoned pepper up a recipe for the seasoned pepper that I use in the description box below you just want to mix this together and it's not only Seasons your shrimp because we're not actually can be seasoning the shrimp were going to season the flower that goes on to shrimp but the flower is necessary to glue the breading on to the shrimp set it off to the side and then you want to get your wet ingredients reading and the wet ingredients is just two large eggs cracked winnable I added one tablespoon of water is going to wish that together the water helps to break up the whites of the eggs so you don't get any clumps of eggs on your shrimp so just wish that up set it off to the side and then we can prep our paint go for the Panko bread crumbs another bulb to add an about a cup and a half or so of Panko bread crumbs and Panko bread crumbs are what give are fried shrimp 

the super delicate and super crunchy Tech I'm going to season this with about a quarter teaspoon of seasoned pepper but these bread crumbs are different from standard breadcrumbs you can use regular bread crumbs if you want to but panko is what's going to make these extra crispy and extra delegate David get your hand on panko definitely do so now peeling shrimp make a sound like a tedious an arduous process it really is it if you know what it is it goes by super fast and all you're going to do is grab your shrimp and then by the legs you want to pinch with your thumb and forefinger and the shell will just slip right off of the shrimp / now you want to leave the tail and the last section still attached to the shrimp that will act as a little handle during the writing process and cooking process as well as when you eat them so we've got attached but here is where I mean you want to get Devane scrapped because the vein shrimp will already have the shell cut down the back you will already have the vein taken out of the shrimp and you can just sit here and show shrimp mixed super easy if you can find shrimp that has already been filled like this with the tail still on feel free to use those 

if you want to use peeled shrimp and don't have tails you can do that as well the recipe works the exact same this is just how I like my fried shrimp and I'm willing to go through this process as well I live as far as you can get from an ocean so this is the only kind of shrimp I can get so I get I use what I can get so just go through and she'll all of your shrimp and once you get all of your shrimp prepped we can go ahead and get breading them now for the breathing process the breeding process could not be more simple with these because I left the tails on we got a little handle here so all you're going to do is take your little shrimp both using a little little handle it you left on and you're going to dip them in the flower and then you're that I dip them in the egg and then you're going to drop them in the bread crumbs and then you're going to put them on a plate that's all there is to this and this is what you want to do 40 times over if you use the size for a minute I make sure if you have now once you get them all brought it it's time to fry them up 

if you do not want to fry shrimp rolls at one time now is the time to freeze them all you want to do is put them onto a cookie sheet from into the freezer once they're frozen solid put them into a baggie use them within six months or so and then you can have fried shrimp whenever you want but I'm going to go ahead and cook all of these now so I'm going to get some vegetable oil a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat and I got about an inch or so of vegetable oil in there and I'm going to bring this up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and I cannot stress this enough you need to have a thermometer when you fry to make sure that you do not hate your oil too hot and you also need to make sure that it's not too cold if you fry to call the temperature you going to have greasy food that's not cooked all the way it gets too hot is fire also if you are new to Frying do not use a shallow pan like I'm doing here I fry all the time and for video reasons it makes it super easy to see what I'm doing 

when I use a shallow pan just you should had when you fry once your oil gets up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit you want to give you a little shrimp Jose oil bath and you just want to lay these in gently you don't want to overcrowd your pan because that look who's on your oil greasy food so I'm going to only fry in this small Skillet about 10 at a time and you want to store these Rod make sure that they don't stick together if you need to keep the thermometer in the oil so you know what the oil is doing making sure that it's not cooling down too fast we're getting too hot you need to regulate that temperature regulate the flame on your stove all you're going to do is cook these four between 2 and 2 and 1/2 minutes they will be golden brown when they are done now if you were starting with frozen shrimp you might have to go to about three minutes to make sure that they are cooked 

all the way through but again they will be golden brown when they are done I want your time is up and these are nice and golden brown you want to remove them onto a wire rack that is lined with paper towels underneath give them a place to drain and dry off a little bit and then you can repeat the process with more batches but you just want to keep going through and then you can serve them up with some cocktail sauce not going to separate video that shows you how to make cocktail sauce if you want to see that I will put a link to that down the scription box below so there you go I hope you guys enjoy if you like this video be sure to give a thumbs-up I would greatly appreciate it up to date on all my latest videos thanks so much for watching and we will see you next time 

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